I saw this question on a Facebook page, user wanted in Vietnamese and Spanish. Which... neither exist. I have a friend in the publishing translation/bilingual business who told me if there isn't a large outcry from the public, it won't be adapted. The other issue is finding someone who can write like the author in another language. 

I'm sure Kym Powee at the CSL has better resources, I usually turn to her when I need very specific items in another language.

Caitlin Carbonell


East Hartford Middle School

East Hartford, CT


From: Jill Pace <jpace@sharoncenterschool.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 1:12 PM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] Inside Out and Back Again- Spanish language resources
A teacher asked for my help with locating a Spanish language edition of Inside Out and Back Again to use with a few students in her class. My search is turning up empty on this one (but if you know differently, please do let me know!) but it made me wonder- does anyone have a go-to resource for this sort of question? Is there a tool I should know about that is helpful for knowing when a book is available in other languages, large-print editions, etc.? 

Thank you!  - Jill

Jill Pace
Library Media Specialist
Sharon Center School
w: 860-364-5153

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