We are excited to partner with Girls Who Code again this year to close the gender gap in tech by bringing free computer science resources to our community. We can’t do it without
you, so we hope you’ll
start a Girls Who Code Club or renew your existing Club.
Clubs Highlights: As always,
Clubs are free, open to all genders and students who are gender-nonconforming, and Girls Who Code supports each step of the way to make it a fun and impactful experience.
All you need to start a Club are computers for you and the Club members (optional for in-person 3-5th grade Clubs), space—virtual or physical—to meet, and 1-2 hours weekly or bi-weekly to host your Club! Girls Who Code provides everything else, from curriculum
and activities, to recruitment materials to help get girls excited about joining.
Do you already have a Girls Who Code Club? Make sure you affiliate your club with the CT State Library. You can do it retroactively,
just send an email to Kym Powe at Kymberlee.powe@ct.gov.
Club swag is back this year! When you enroll 3 or more Club members on HQ they are automatically
eligible for a free t-shirt, notebook, and sticker for every Club member!
No prior coding experience needed! If you’re worried you’re not tech-savvy enough to start a Girls
Who Code Club, we’re here to tell you that you don’t need any computer science experience to run your Club, most Facilitators learn to code alongside their Club members.
Click here to apply or renew today, and make
sure to indicate us as your Community Partner for special benefits like additional support, swag incentives, and more!
Want to learn more?
Save the Date
for a virtual Girls Who Code Webinar October 26 at 11:00 via Zoom. Registration will open soon.