Have a Professional Development Day on Tuesday, November 2 (Election Day)?
Looking for some school library-specific PD so you don’t have to sit through
another math workshop so your school administrators can check off the boxes?
CLC can help!

Join us for a day of PD – Full and Half-Day Options are available; come for the morning, afternoon or both!
Featuring nationally
renowned Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, and Founder of ClassTechTips.com,
Dr. Monica Burns.
Morning Program: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Two Collaborative Working Sessions - partner with your grade-level colleagues!
School Library Success Stories in Challenging Times - What does success look like during a pandemic? What did you accomplish during the pandemic to help
students, teachers, and/or administrators succeed? What are the wins that you will keep even after the pandemic recedes? In this session we will have an active discussion about our successes and challenges teaching and running a school library during a pandemic. You
will have an opportunity to share your successes and most importantly take away new, proven ideas, plus build a network of school librarians that you can turn to for guidance and support.
Readers' Advisory - Bring your best recommendations for exciting new titles, titles for reluctant readers, and underrated titles that should be in every
collection. You'll leave with an extensive list of books vetted by your colleagues across the state.
Mini Book Buzz - hear about new titles that our friends at Mackin are excited about this fall!
Afternoon Program: 12:30pm - 3:30pm
The afternoon features two presentations by Dr. Monica Burns,
Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, and Founder of ClassTechTips.com.
Create Opportunities for Students to Explore the World - In this session, we will look at exploration and the role it plays in building empathy, piquing
student curiosity, and helping students think critically and deeply about the world around them. We'll examine how online experiences can strengthen connections and help students learn about the lives of others whom they may never encounter in the town or
city where they live. This interactive session will include an introduction to free virtual reality resources and a connection to social-emotional learning.
How to Use Technology to Assess Students and Pivot Instruction -This session will cover strategies for collecting and analyzing data so educators can take
action through instructional pivots and interventions. We will focus on formative assessment and how to check for understanding before, during, and after instruction. Participants will explore how digital tools provide a special benefit for students as they
increase student opportunities (frequency) and options (choice) to share their learning.
What Can You Expect?
9:00am - Welcome
9:15am - Collaborative session: School Library Success Stories in Challenging Times
10:45am - Break
11:00am - Mini Book Buzz. Representatives from Mackin will share exciting new titles for this fall.
11:15am - Collaborative sessions: Readers' Advisory. Groups will meet by grade level.
12:00pm - Break for lunch. End of program for morning session half-day attendees
12:30pm - Afternoon session begins. Dr. Monica Burns: Create Opportunities for Students to Explore the World
1:45pm - Break
2:00pm - Dr. Monica Burns: How to Use Technology to Assess Students and Pivot Instruction
3:15pm - Closing remarks
3:30pm - End of program
Recordings of Dr. Burns' presentations that
you can re-watch at your own pace through January 2. Avoid the overwhelm that sometimes comes with cramming too much new content into one session!
Collaborative working sessions with grade-level peers to exchange ideas for implementing
concepts and training. Also, this is your opportunity to share with and learn from your colleagues from across the state about how they were successful last year and what they did to help their communities thrive.
Collaborative readers advisory experience - Discover what books your colleagues are recommending,
and how they are putting books into the hands of in-person and digital learners. (Attendees from 2019's Election Day PD raved about this opportunity!)
Mini Book Buzz - Discover what titles our friends at Mackin are excited about for this fall!
Amanda Stern
Events and Special Projects Manager
Connecticut Library Consortium
p: 860.740.3044 - direct dial
p: 860.344.8777 - office
a: 234 Court Street, Middletown, CT 06457
e: astern@ctlibrarians.org