Have a Professional Development Day on Tuesday, November 2 (Election Day)?


Looking for some school library-specific PD so you don’t have to sit through another math workshop so your school administrators can check off the boxes?

CLC can help!


School PD day banner


Join us for a day of PD – Full and Half-Day Options are available; come for the morning, afternoon or both!


Featuring nationally renowned Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, and Founder of ClassTechTips.com, Dr. Monica Burns.



Morning Program: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Two Collaborative Working Sessions - partner with your grade-level colleagues!



Afternoon Program: 12:30pm - 3:30pm

The afternoon features two presentations by Dr. Monica Burns, Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, and Founder of ClassTechTips.com.

 What Can You Expect?


Recordings of Dr. Burns' presentations that you can re-watch at your own pace through January 2. Avoid the overwhelm that sometimes comes with cramming too much new content into one session!
Collaborative working sessions with grade-level peers to exchange ideas for implementing concepts and training. Also, this is your opportunity to share with and learn from your colleagues from across the state about how they were successful last year and what they did to help their communities thrive.

Collaborative readers advisory experience - Discover what books your colleagues are recommending, and how they are putting books into the hands of in-person and digital learners. (Attendees from 2019's Election Day PD raved about this opportunity!)

Mini Book Buzz - Discover what titles our friends at Mackin are excited about for this fall!





Amanda Stern


Events and Special Projects Manager

Connecticut Library Consortium

p:  860.740.3044 - direct dial

p:  860.344.8777 - office

a:  234 Court Street, Middletown, CT 06457

w: ctlibrarians.org  e:  astern@ctlibrarians.org




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