Announcing All CT Reads 2022!
[Primary Books] Children
[Shortlists] Children
About All CT Reads Launching in January 2022, All CT Reads is a year-long initiative to promote lifelong reading, learning, and connection that uses a rotating community committee
structure to select three main book titles and 3 shortlist book titles, each calendar year for three age groups: children (ages 8-12), teens (ages 13-18), and adults. In addition to the books, All CT Reads provides a supported programmatic structure built
around the titles with room for individuality and creativity. Learn
more about the All CT Reads 2022 books. More coming for January 2022! Resources While the website may look a bit barebones for now, there will be more – stay tuned! There will be rich book and author wraparound resources including discussion
questions, program ideas, flyer templates, author videos, book reviews, and more! Books for Borrowing We will have book discussion sets of all 12 titles available for borrowing from the Middletown Library Service Center. Books for Purchase We partnered with the CT Library Consortium to make sure you have access to the best pricing on these titles when you purchase off their book contracts.
more. With gratitude and thanks to… Our Committees All CT Reads has three selection committees, one for each age group with 1-2 non-voting chair/co-chairs from the CT State Library and partner organizations, and
rotating members from the greater CT library and reading community. Children
Our Partners All CT Reads is an initiative of the Connecticut State Library Division of Library Development and partners with the Connecticut Center for the Book at Connecticut
Humanities, the Connecticut Association for School Librarians (CASL), and the Connecticut Library Consortium (CLC). Our Sponsors
CT State Library is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. © 2016 CT State Library. All rights reserved. |
Kym (she/her)
Kymberlee Powe | Children and YA Consultant |
Kymberlee.Powe@ct.gov | Office: (860) 704-2221 | https://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld/children |
786 S. Main St. Middletown, CT 06457| Fax: (860) 704-2228
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