Join us for Customer Service Tune-Up: Tips to Help You Care for Yourself as You Care for Others.


Instructor: Jean Baur

Dates: Two-part workshop Tuesday & Wednesday January 25 & 26 from 11:00a.m.-12:15pm

Register here.

We all know how easy it is to make New Year's resolutions and how hard it is to keep them. In this two-day, interactive workshop, you'll explore critical ways to make small changes that will keep you energized as you're pulled in many directions, at work and at home. Sharing best practices with other library staff, you'll learn how to:

  • take mini-breaks
  • prioritize essential tasks
  • focus on one project at a time
  • support colleagues and get help from them
  • find the resources that recharge your engine
  • keep a healthy perspective,

Unlike resolutions that you know you can't keep, these tips are practical and easily worked into your busy schedule.


For other workshops, please visit the CE calendar at:

For any questions, please contact Gail Hurley at or 



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