Please participate before 2/28.

Dear CASL,

Please support school librarian research.  This is a second request for your organization to participate in a school librarian study.  I am a veteran school librarian researching how school librarians use social media for professional learning. 


Will your organization please participate?  To participate, send the following Qualtrics survey link to your members through your official organization media channels (e.g., email, newsletter, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+):


Currently, six state organizations such as yours and almost 200 school librarians have participated.  The goal is 1000 participants from all US regions.  Here is the current representation:

·      US South – 20%

·      US Northeast – 46%

·      Midwest – 19%

·      West – 12%

·      Other – 4%


This study will provide practical results for individual social media users and for community leaders.  Topics include activities performed in specific platforms and motives/barriers school librarians perceive as influencing their choices.


The results will benefit the school library profession in several ways.  First, very few empirical studies in social media focus on school librarians.  As our professional role is unique on campus, our population deserves focused attention.  


The survey will close February 28th


This study is approved by the Florida State University review board and the subsequent journal articles will add to the literature on our specialized population. This study is a follow-up to a 2021 study published in AASL’s School Library Research:


Attached is the study information sheet.  Please respond to this email with questions and the answer about your organization’s participation. 


I appreciate your time, and I hope your organization will contribute to our national data set.


Thank you,

Michelle Cates

Florida State University, Palm Beach County Schools, MA LIS, MEd, NBCT

From: Michelle Cates
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2022 5:17 AM
To: <>
Subject: Request: A School Librarian Survey of Our Social Media Use

Dear leaders of CASL (Connecticut Association of School Librarians),


Will you please distribute an online survey to your members?  I am a veteran school librarian researching how school librarians use social media for professional learning.   


To participate, please send the following Qualtrics survey link to your members 3-7 times through your official organization media channels: 


The survey will be open until February 28th.   


This study is approved by the Florida State University review board and the subsequent journal articles will add to the literature on our specialized population. This study is a follow-up to a 2021 study published in AASL’s School Library Research .   


The original study sampled from Florida’s professional organization, like yours.  Now I wish to expand the sample nationally.  Will your organization please participate? 


Please use your official social media channels: e.g., email, newsletter, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+.  You may choose whichever combination is convenient or one method with multiple posts on different days. 


This survey will benefit the school library profession in several ways.  First, very few empirical studies in social media focus on school librarians.  As our professional role is unique on campus, our population deserves focused attention.    


In addition, this study will provide practical results for individual social media users and for community leaders.  Topics include activities performed in specific platforms and motives/barriers school librarians perceive as influencing their choices. 


Attached is the study information sheet.  Please respond to this email with questions and the answer about your organization’s participation.   


I appreciate your time, and I hope your organization will contribute to our national data set. 


Thank you, 

Michelle Cates 

Florida State University, Palm Beach County Schools, MEd, MA LIS, NPTS 


Please be aware that email communication can be intercepted in transmission or misdirected. Please communicate sensitive information by telephone or in person.