Going to the Dogs: Ways to Enhance Library Services with a Therapy Dog


Tuesday/Wednesday - February 15 & 16, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. each day.  This is a 2-part class.




Dogs are amazing! They live in the present, are almost always willing to listen, and simply make us feel good. But beyond that, scientific studies have found that reading to dogs is a powerful tool for improving reading comprehension and retention, and that dogs have a profound physical effect on us:  lowering our blood pressure and pulse, increasing the feel good hormone serotonin, and even connecting with people who are isolated by cognitive disabilities. Jean Baur, the instructor for this class, has seen this first-hand for the past ten years as she has volunteered with her therapy dogs in many settings including schools, libraries, nursing homes, hospitals and the courthouse. Join us for a fun session as we explore how you can enhance your library's services with a therapy dog.


For other workshops, please visit the CE calendar at: https://cslib.libcal.com/

For any questions, please contact Gail Hurley at Gail.Hurley@ct.gov or 



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