Dear CT Librarians, 

The Nutmeg Book Award Steering and Selection Committees have been hard at work finalizing the 2023 Nutmeg Book Award nominees. 

For a few different reasons, we are modifying the release date for the new lists. 

The new nominees will now be announced on or by March 15th. This will NOT be a secret announcement but a soft announcement for anyone who may need the lists to prepare for when students start to read these books on May 1st. 

We know this change will be a little disappointing for some expecting the lists next week, but we hope in the long run this makes it easier for everyone who works with the Nutmeg Book Award and supports our readers.  

To keep up to date with Nutmeg Book Award news, please check out our Nutmeg Book Award website 
sign up for our mailing list 
If you have received our messages in the past, you do not need to sign up again. 

Thank you to the selection chairs, selection committee members, and steering committee members who have worked hard for the past year to put these lists together. 

Thank YOU, the librarians of CT, for your ongoing support of the Nutmeg Book Award!

Lisa Polack, Outgoing Secretary, Nutmeg Book Award