Hi Erin,

Yes, we were supposed to have her in person in the spring of 2020 but ended up with a virtual presentation in the spring of 2021. She did multiple presentations for K-6. For our youngest students (K-1), she mostly shared her book Spike, the Mixed-up Monster. I thought she did a great job!  The kids seemed engaged and fascinated by the endangered axolotl.  She also talked about how books come together to give messages to readers and some ideas about illustrators too. For grades 2-3, she talked about Ada's Violin and The Last Straw - Kids vs. Plastic. In this one she discussed the research process and the amazing journey to Paraguay. She also answered many student questions, which the kids enjoyed.

Have a good day,

On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 5:13 PM Erin Schirota <esenig@wlsmail.org> wrote:
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Hi All,
Has anyone done an author visit with CT local, Susan Hood?   For early elementary age?  Looking for feedback.
Erin Schirota

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CASL-L mailing list

Krista Brogle
Gifted & Talented Teacher
Twitter: @CLSMediaCenter

What are you reading?  
I'm reading:
I Have a Bad Feeling about This by Jeff Strand
American as Paneer Pie by Supriya Kelkar
Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett
The Genius Hour Guidebook by Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model by Joseph S. Renzulli & Sally M. Reis

I'm listening to:
Cracker by Cynthia Kadohata