Our district receives a box of ARCs from Follett twice a year.Perhaps that is what they are referring to?
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 12:39 PM Pam Begin <pbegin@milforded.org> wrote:Follett has information available and reviews available. I do not feel that they push an agenda. I have been a CT librarian for 14 years.On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 9:24 AM Maureen Schlosser via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:_______________________________________________Hello, Everyone!Does Follett market books to persuade librarians to purchase the books?This seems like a ridiculous question to me, but I am retired in Florida now, and the local superintendent and a BOE are investigating the following question:Â"Investigate the Follette Learning School System’s process for recommending books to our schools. Are there other library/media center library systems that offer the same or similar services as Follette and Renaissance but with stricter practices on their recommendations?"They believe that Follett pushes books that are inappropriate for school libraries. I loved Follett when I worked in CT. I remember being able to read book reviews and click on collections based on awards.ÂI don't like the picture they are painting of the school librarians here. This whole idea makes the school librarians look like they have no agency over what Follett sends them. To me it's absurd, but if there is any truth to it, I'd like to find out before I speak at the next BOE meeting.Thank you for your help!I miss CT!Maureen Schlosser
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--_______________________________________________Pamela Begin (she/her)pbegin@milforded.orgSchool LibrarianÂGoogle Certified EducatorEast Shore Middle School240 Chapel StreetMilford, CT 06460
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