We use Clever Badges for K-3 (free) and our passwords for 4-6 are 4 6 letters and 2 numbers.  
As someone who taught kinder to log in prior to clever, I do NOT recommend symbols.  They can barely handle uppercase letters since they don't know how to type and even
recognize letters.  I do color code mine and can share with you if you want.

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 9:01 AM Barbara Johnson <bajohnson@colchesterct.org> wrote:
Can you share with the Colchester Librarians:
What grade level you teach and how complex are your passwords for student accounts?

We are being asked to use two four letter words, a capital letter, a number, and a symbol for K-5 students.
I have concerns about this for pk-3, can you share the complexity of your passwords and how you teach students to login with them...especially your youngest learners.

Barbara Johnson
Jack Jackter Intermediate School


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