Desmond Cole: Ghost Patrol. I can't keep them on the shelves - they are a hit!Also, they are not new but I just added The Carver Chronicles to my series shelf and there seems to be renewed interest in those as well. Great books!Rebecca KerriganLibrary Media SpecialistRoaring Brook Elementary SchoolGoogle Certified Educator (Level 2)(860) 404-4810_______________________________________________On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 4:49 PM Gail Nelson <> wrote:Hi everyone,_______________________________________________Like many of you, I have been working on diversifying my collection. I feel like I keep coming up short on series chapter books at the second and third grade level that will appeal to boys as well as girls. Magic Tree House and A to Z Mysteries have good adventures and page turning appeal. Has anyone found some newer series with the same sense of adventure and a more inclusive cast? I have added quite a few new diverse series and have more on order, but does anyone have any favorites?Thanks so much for any thoughts!Gail
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