I'm also K-5. I allow grades K-2 have 1 book at a time, 3-4 to have 2 books, and 5 to have 3 books (with exceptions for avid readers when they really can't decide.) I see the students on a 4 day rotation to sometimes they have library twice and sometimes once a week. I also allow them to come up to exchange books if they want to on their non-library days. I send home a letter to kinder parents and then go over expectations with older students. I think I also have it in my flier for back to school night but it's been so different over the past 2 years that I'm not sure anymore! 

Hope that helps!
Happy spring break all!

 Library Letter home Kindergarten

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 10:28 PM ANDREA RUHL via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
I am at a K-5 public school.  My policies are similar, but I let grades 2-5 have 2 books checked out at a time. If a student is an avid reader and always returns books on time, I do allow for more than 2 books at a time (especially if it’s over a break). Always open to interpretation!

Andrea Ruhl

On Apr 13, 2022, at 2:02 PM, Laura Hedenberg <lhedenberg@barkhamstedschool.org> wrote:

Hi.  I teach in a PK-6 school.  This is what I do:
PK:  1 book that stays in the classroom
Kinder:  2 books for 1 week
1st:  2 books for 1 week, 3 books for 1 week starting in January
2nd:  3 books for 2 weeks
3rd:  3 books for 2 weeks
4th:  4 books for 2 weeks
5th and 6th:  5 books for 3 weeks

Students can renew 2 times after the first checkout.
Students with overdue books and at their max can books on hold.  If they aren't at their max
 then they can take out books up to the max.

I only communicate with Kinder parents and the rest is with students.  They know how many books they 
can take and if they didn't bring books back.  Kinder takes time.  In Sept, the first week only, I only allow
1 book for kinder.  That way the next week all students can take at least 1 book and I don't get tears.  


On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 1:19 PM Emily Beck <emilycbeck4@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

My name is Emily Beck and I am a new librarian in New London. In looking to establish a routine for my students in borrowing and returning books, I am curious if anyone has an example of communication that they sent home to families describing their policy.

For now, our policy will be that all students in K-5 are permitted to borrow and take home one book, with it being due back the next time week. If a book becomes overdue, students will not be able to check out another book until or is returned. Any feedback or templates would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,
Emily Beck
C.B. Jennings International Elementary Magnet k
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Laura Hedenberg
Library Media Specialist
Barkhamsted School
"By not running from the books that pain us, we can allow them to transform us."  Dr.  Ibram X. Kendi


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