My school needs to order a large amount of headphones. Does anyone have bulk headphones they can recommend? Looking for actual headphones, not earbuds. I looked up some vendors- but I want to make sure the headphones will work and not break the first time they are used. 

Thanks for any help.

Stephanie Robinson
Media Specialist
Middlebury Elementary School

I’m reading: 
Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer

I’ve recently finished reading: 
-Unicorn Island: Secret Beneath the Sand by Donna Galanti
-Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston
-The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel
-See You in the Cosmos by Jack Cheng
-OCDaniel by Wesley King
-Sunflower Sisters by Martha Hall Kelly
-From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks
-Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

What are you reading?