Hello all, I was informed one of the links in my earlier email did not work, it’s now corrected, so let the booking of High School sets commence!

Good afternoon all, it’s May and you can now request 2023 Nutmeg nominee sets from the Middletown Library Service Center.  Each set has multiple copies of the same title, and can be requested for 45 days.  Use them for book groups or to have extra copies to circulate to your patrons.  You can plan to get every title for future dates and have books coming all through the year—till next May when the new sets will be available.  Any questions?  Please email me off list.

See availability and request: Nutmeg Elementary, Nutmeg Intermediate, Nutmeg Middle School, and Nutmeg High School.



Grace Burchard | Library Technical Assistant | <Grace.Burchard@ct.gov> | Office: (860) 704-2207 | www.ctstatelibrary.org | Middletown Library Service Center | 786 South Main St. Middletown, CT 06457 | Toll Free in CT: 1-800-437-2313 | Fax: (860) 704-2228 | deliverIT CT: E-108