We are looking to convene a series of deep conversations with small groups of educators and librarians about the work they do. We seek participants who are interested in an evening of listening and learning together. Each conversation will focus on a different topic for lively and interactive conversation. If you are a curious learner who, like us, is yearning for rich conversations, we're gathering names from which to choose our upcoming groups. If you'd like to join an upcoming conversation, please leave your contact information below and we'll be in touch when we have a topic that's a good fit for you.


By design, there is no audience, just a group of professionals making sense of their practice. I’m looking forward to participating with you. 


If you'd like to join a conversation, here's a shortlink to make it easy: https://bit.ly/kitchen-table-convos 



Debbie Abilock, NoodleTools, and Kristin Fontichiaro, University of Michigan School of Information