I also have books 1-4 for the same reasons as Melissa stated. If they ask for the rest I also tell them about the content and if they want the remainder of the series they can go to the local library. I'm a 7-8 school, so this type of mature content is one of the few areas where I draw the line.

Jessica Ritacco
Library Media Specialist
Avon Middle School


On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 5:24 PM Kate Levesque via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
Howdy all … question for you all … I am in a 6-8 middle school and have been asked to reach out to other middle school media specialists about a book series - Throne of Glass.  Do you have this series in your collection?  Do you have the entire series?  Do you have some solid advice/reasoning why you do or do not have the series in your collection?

Thank you!

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