_______________________________________________Just in case anyone would like another option to create flyers for the MS & HS Nutmeg nominees, here are the Google Draw templates I created to make flyers to post to my website and Summer Reading Lounge Bitmoji:Note email address change: nszilagyi@wethersfield.meNella SzilagyiWethersfield High School Library Media Center, Teacher-LibrarianWethersfield High School Interact Club, Co-Advisor860-571-8284Pronouns: she/her/hersOn Fri, May 20, 2022 at 1:21 PM <casl-l-request@mylist.net> wrote:Send CASL-L mailing list submissions to
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Today's Topics:
1. Flip-top table recommendations (Laura Rosas)
2. Library Support survey (Jodie D'Alexander)
3. Flip-top table recommendations (Julie Yulo-Medeiros)
4. MS 2023 Nutmeg Nominee Padlet (Leslie Poulos)
5. Re: MS 2023 Nutmeg Nominee Padlet (Jen)
6. Re: MS 2023 Nutmeg Nominee Padlet (Janet Kenney)
7. CT State Library DLD Weekly Wrap-up 05.20.2022 (Kymberlee Powe)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Rosas <lrosas@marlborough.k12.ct.us>
To: CASL_L <CASL-L@mylist.net>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 11:00:02 -0400
Subject: [CASL-L] Flip-top table recommendationsGreetings-- I am looking to replace the tables in my library. We currently have round, flip-top tables on casters. This allows the tables to be moved aside easily for the many meetings that are held in the media center after school hours. I am hoping to find something similar, but perhaps with an easy height adjustment feature, as I see classes grades K - 6.Does anyone have tables such as these that they recommend?Thank you!Laura RosasTeacher LibrarianMarlborough Elementary School
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jodie D'Alexander" <jdalexander@region16ct.org>
To: CASL-L <CASL-L@mylist.net>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 13:56:15 -0400
Subject: [CASL-L] Library Support surveyHi,It's that time of year where I'd like to survey the staff in my building to see how the Media Center can best support them. Do you have a survey, Google Form or questionnaire that you use that you'd be willing to share? How do you go about supporting teacher requests?Thank you for your insight,Jodie--Mrs. Jodie D’Alexander
Library Media SpecialistNational Honor Society co-AdvisorWoodland Student Book Club co-Advisor
Woodland Regional High School
135 Back Rimmon Road
Beacon Falls, CT 06403
(203) 881-5551 ext. 7241
"The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library." - Albert Einstein
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julie Yulo-Medeiros <jyulomed@sbcglobal.net>
To: "casl-l@mylist.net" <casl-l@mylist.net>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 21:11:14 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [CASL-L] Flip-top table recommendationsHi Laura and School Librarians,The Connecticut Library Consortium (CLC) has publicly-bid furniture, shelving, and accessories contracts, featuring 25 suppliers for all of our members' needs! This includes tables that move easily and have height adjustment features.The quickest way to determine which vendors have tables and/or portable movable furniture is to check out the JUST THE BASICS on the Furniture, Shelving & Accessories page.
CLC’s statewide contracts for books, non-print media, supplies, maker/STEAM materials & equipment, digital resources, and furniture enable members to waive their own bidding requirements and realize savings of up to 80% on mission-critical library materials. As a school librarian this might not excite you but your district’s procurement department and administrators will appreciate the money, time, and effort saved from not having to go out to bid.
On the link provided for Furniture, Shelving & Accessories (ctlibrarians.org/furniture) you can access:
Our FULL MEMBER GUIDE, with discounts offered by each vendor, other services provided such as storage and design services, and CLC's notes
VENDOR PAGES - explore each of our vendors with ease!
JUST THE BASICS - Google sheet with links to all of our vendors and their representatives - This is the quickest way to determine which vendors have tables and/or portable movable furniture.
Wait, there’s more… if you missed our Furniture Expo (September 2020). You might like to view the keynote panel sharing their expertise on Redesigning Library Spaces for COVID-19 and Beyond.
Not sure if you are a member of CLC or would like to learn more about joining. Click on Join Us! for more information. Of course, you can contact me any time with your questions about the contracts, or CLC membership.
Thank you,
Julie Yulo-Medeiros
Member Relations Manager, School & Academic Libraries
Connecticut Library Consortium
P: 860.740.3042
A: 234 Court Street
Middletown, CT 06457
W: www.ctlibrarians.org e: jyulo@ctlibrarians.org
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leslie Poulos <l_poulos@yahoo.com>
To: casl-l <casl-l@mylist.net>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 19:02:33 -0400
Subject: [CASL-L] MS 2023 Nutmeg Nominee PadletHello all:I made this to promote the new 2023 MS Nutmeg Nominees. Feel free to use it or remake it and add links to your library!https://padlet.com/lpoulos/kqu2uss55rr39xo2
Leslie Poulos
Silas Deane Middle School
Wethersfield, CT
Sent from my iPhone
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jen <jlarkin24@gmail.com>
To: Leslie Poulos <l_poulos@yahoo.com>
Cc: casl-l <casl-l@mylist.net>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 07:52:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] MS 2023 Nutmeg Nominee PadletOn Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:03 PM Leslie Poulos via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:Hello all:_______________________________________________I made this to promote the new 2023 MS Nutmeg Nominees. Feel free to use it or remake it and add links to your library!https://padlet.com/lpoulos/kqu2uss55rr39xo2
Leslie Poulos
Silas Deane Middle School
Wethersfield, CT
Sent from my iPhone
CASL-L mailing list
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janet Kenney <janetkenney@bristolk12.org>
To: casl-l <casl-l@mylist.net>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 08:06:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] MS 2023 Nutmeg Nominee PadletI guess since we are all sharing - I still use thinglink for my nutmeg promos. Here is the one for this year nominees:--------------------------------------------Janet Kenney, Library Media Specialist, Webmaster,& Instructional Technology CoordinatorBristol Eastern High School1-860-584-7876 x622152
Bristol Public Schools Technology hotline: 860-584-7090 / boehelpdesk@bristolk12.orgSubmit Announcements: http://bit.ly/BEHSannounceTechnology Troubleshooting info for teachers: http://bit.ly/behstechhelpPrivileged and confidential. If received in error, please notify me by e‐mail and delete the message.On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 7:53 AM Jen <jlarkin24@gmail.com> wrote:_______________________________________________On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:03 PM Leslie Poulos via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:Hello all:_______________________________________________I made this to promote the new 2023 MS Nutmeg Nominees. Feel free to use it or remake it and add links to your library!https://padlet.com/lpoulos/kqu2uss55rr39xo2
Leslie Poulos
Silas Deane Middle School
Wethersfield, CT
Sent from my iPhone
CASL-L mailing list
CASL-L mailing list
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kymberlee Powe <Kymberlee.Powe@ct.gov>
To: "'Discussion list for CT children's librarians'" <goodnightmoon@mylist.net>, " (CSL_SPEAK@LIST.CT.GOV)" <csl_speak@list.ct.gov>, " (casl-l@mylist.net)" <casl-l@mylist.net>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 17:21:28 +0000
Subject: [CASL-L] CT State Library DLD Weekly Wrap-up 05.20.2022
Weekly Wrap-up | May 20, 2022
In honor of International Dog Rescue Day
“The poor dog, in life the firmest friend, The first to welcome, foremost to defend…”
– Lord Byron
Initiatives and Announcements
New CT Pages!
Watch the new CT Pages and meet Kristine Oulman, Youth Services Librarian at the Easton Public Library who shares with us the experience of launching a Geocaching program during these pandemic years. Geocaching gets people outside discovering their town and learning about local plant and animal life. Collaborating with the Pollinator Pathway, a conservation project of the Easton Garden Club, the team selected eight destinations all of which encourage outdoor activity in beautiful nature settings. Each stop on the path has a small marker with information and QR code for participation tracking and feedback. Fieldtrip anyone?!
CT Pages is a channel for sharing community engagement success stories by libraries with and for their communities. We partner with CT libraries to create and release short video conversations with the library staff who make things happen.
Do you have a creative program, service, activity, partnership, or project that you want to share with your library neighbors? We are always seeking submissions for consideration – Submit your idea!
Join us!
CT Libraries & Partners for Digital Equity Coalition
Next meeting:
Tuesday, May 24 | 2-3:30 pm
Email christine.gauvreau@ct.gov
The new CT State Library effort to develop a coalition of libraries and partners to promote digital equity is well underway. In April, the new group, CT Libraries & Partners for Digital Equity (CTLPDE), adopted a six-month plan to increase the awareness of libraries, community organizations, and the public regarding the need for coordinated state plans to deliver computers, low-cost broadband, and, most critically, one-on-one and ongoing mentoring for unconnected or under-connected CT residents.
CTLPDE is now turning its attention to planning for a public presence at Juneteenth festivals and a full range of activities with partners for the October 2022 Digital Inclusion Week.
- Sign up if you are interested in joining CTLPDE and/or one of its committees (Education, Outreach, Strategic Communications, Community Information Collection, Media Presence).
- For questions about CTLPDE, contact Christine Gauvreau, christine.gauvreau@ct.gov or (860) 704-2224.
988, Youth and Adult Mobile Crisis Service
Monday, May 23 | 1-2 pm
When you have an emotional or mental health crisis, which number do you call? Starting July 2022 all you’ll need to do is call 988 anywhere in the United States. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is moving to a direct three-digit call/text and chat service that will help millions of Americans of all ages access support and services when experiencing any emotional and mental health crisis, not only thoughts of suicide. This 988 service will help end stigma toward those seeking or accessing mental healthcare, and will ensure that someone experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis has someone to talk to, someone to respond, and somewhere to go. It will also reduce the use of law enforcement and other safety resources for these types of crises, and reduce healthcare spending with more cost-effective early intervention. The CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) will provide an overview of youth and adult mobile emergency crisis services available to CT residents.
GELS: Building Diverse Classroom Collections and Facilitating New Conversations
Tuesday, May 24 | 3-4 pm
Join Kymberlee Powe, DLD's Children and YA Consultant as she guides educators and librarians on building diverse classrooms. You will learn how to identify the difference between a diverse collection and an inclusive one, how to perform a diversity audit, and where to find resources and book recommendations for increasing diversity and inclusion. Kym will offer ways to incorporate new books and topics into your classroom collection, and some tips for guiding conversations with students and parents about the new books.
Marketing and Strategic Communications
Thursday, May 26 | 10-11 am
Are we passed COVID? Do we go back to normal marketing? Is there a hybrid approach? How do we get people back in the door? These are the types of questions that will be answered in this upcoming workshop provided by Libby Post, President/CEO of Communications Services, and a frequent CSL workshop facilitator.
CT Digital Library
2023 Nutmeg Award Winners Available in the Palace app!
This week the Nutmeg Award Winners were announced, and all titles are available in the Palace Project app. We also added 25 titles about Connecticut from the Palace Marketplace! The collection provided by the Connecticut State Library now exceeds 14,400 items!
We continue to add new content to the Palace Project app to support the 32 public libraries that have now moved into production and are actively sharing this free content with their patrons. View the complete list of Palace participating libraries.
Browse a sampling of titles available in Palace
If you are interested in going live in the Palace Project app now, you can join upon request by contacting Brad Bullis at bradley.bullis@ct.gov.
Please note, we are still waiting on OverDrive to allow us to add their content to the app. We will provide immediate access to the amazing FREE content from the CT State Library and your OverDrive content can be added seamlessly at a later date.
Children’s and Young Adult Services
No time to browse our collection? We can do it for you, and we've got bundles of options with new, foreign, and underrated titles!
- Choose a Book Bundle with 15 middle grade titles or one with 25 YA titles.
- Check out one of these specially curated book bundles to your public or school library for 90 days.
- Have particular genres or titles in mind? Just drop us a note in the comment section of the booking system, and we will do our best to find what you need.
Can I let my patrons borrow them?
Yes! And you have options, here's how:
- You can add them to your ILS system with temporary bar codes to be checked out with a library card.
- Or, track it with the included index card:
- Pull out the index card tucked into each book.
- Use the index card to record the students name, contact information, library card - whatever helps you find them.
- You keep the card, and the student borrows the book.
- When the book comes back, tuck the index card back in the book.
- Just remember to have them return the book in time for the whole bundle to be returned to us!
Division of Library Development | Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457
libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld | (203) 704-2200
CT State Library is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.
© 2016 CT State Library. All rights reserved.
Ashley Sklar (she/ her) | Adult Services and Community Engagement Consultant, Division of Library Development
ashley.sklar@ct.gov | Office: (860) 704-2222
libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld | 786 South Main St. Middletown, CT 06457 | Fax: (860) 704-2228
CASL-L mailing list
CASL-L mailing list