Cheryl, would you be able to let us see it? It says we need permission.ÂAllison - maybe we could create an elementary version to share?ÂJennyOn Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 10:58 AM Cheryl Robertson <> wrote:Hi Allison,While this is intended for middle school students, a colleague and I developed a page of "Legal Use of Images" information on the Citations & Works Cited page of my website. Perhaps you'll be able to get some ideas for the younger kids.Best,CherylOn Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 10:23 AM Allison Loiseau <> wrote:Good morning library colleagues,I am writing again to see if anyone can offer feedback on images. My students want to add images to their digital creations. How do you advise students to add images?Google Image Search?Brittanica Imagequest?Pics4Learning?Other?I am really struggling to find the right tool. I tend to support filtered Google Image searches within Docs and Slides. I feel like part of digital citizenship is building student capacity for selecting appropriate imagery. ÂPlease let me know what you suggest!Have a great day,AllisonOn Sun, May 8, 2022 at 8:19 PM Allison Loiseau <> wrote:Dear librarians,I am trying to determine best practices for using images at the elementary level. Our district subscribes to Brittanica Image Quest. It is easy to use, but it does allow access to some imagery and language that is not ideal for the elementary level. Do you have recommendations? Are your teachers simply inserting images from a Google Search? Do you offer guidelines to your colleagues? I am finding practices at my school to be a mixed bag and I'd like to offer professional learning to my colleagues to get us all on the same page. Any help is appreciated.Enjoy your week.Sincerely,Allison--Allison LoiseauLibrary Media SpecialistÂMitchell Elementary SchoolWoodbury, CT--_______________________________________________Allison LoiseauLibrary Media SpecialistÂMitchell Elementary SchoolWoodbury, CT
CASL-L mailing list
--"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift." ~Kate DiCamilloCURRENTLY READINGThe Sociopath Next Door by Martha StoutThe Magic Fish by Le Nguyen TrungCURRENTLY LISTENINGEarly Morning Riser by Katherine HeinyThe Light in Hidden Places by Sharon CameronRECENTLY FINISHEDThe Cartographers by Peng ShepherdBefore the Fall by Noah HawleyNowhere Boy by Katherine MarshDark Waters by Katherine ArdenTeam of Rivals, abridged, by Doris Kearns GoodwinBlack Brother, Black Brother by Jewell Parker RhodesLiving with Viola by Rosena FungEvvie Drake Starts Over by Linda HolmesThe Good Left Undone by Adriana TrigianiThe Biltmore: An American MasterpieceÂ
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--(she/hers)ALA/AASL, ISTE, CASL, NESLA, CECA memberCASL Vice-PresidentFB: @mrslussierslibrary, Twitter: @jluss, Instagram: mrslussierlibrary-----
Jenny Lussier
Library Media Specialist
Brewster Elementary School
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