Hello all,

Happy home stretch! 

I just wanted to share an amazing author visit experience for you middle grade schools. 

2023 Intermediate Nutmeg Nominee, Jeanne Z. Ferruolo, came and presented today to our 4, 5 & 6th graders. She was so accommodating, knowledgeable and easy to work with! 

In addition, she hooked us up with the River Bend Book Shop in Glastonbury for book sales. Not only did they create the flyer, they handled all orders/payments online through their shop AND delivered the books to our school in time for the event. They even offered to have a book store rep on sight the day of the event to handle book signing if we needed it.

Hope you can tuck this info away for the future if you are interested!

Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo <jzulferr@gmail.com 
Meghan Hayden <meghan@riverbendbookshop.com

Torrie Phillips
Gr. 3-5 Library Media Specialist
G.H. Robertson Intermediate School