I am excited to share that in less than two weeks, Melissa Thom and I will be launching a podcast called the Joyful Learning Podcast, hosted by Melissa. The first show airs on September 6th, with subsequent shows releasing every other Tuesday through December. The season one guests include bestselling authors, rockstar librarians and educators—some of them familiar and influential voices from CT, including Barbara Johnson (episode 2 on September 20th) and Kym Powe (Episode 5, November 15th).
We hope you will subscribe and listen, and consider being a guest on the show in the future! Here (below) is the link to find us wherever you listen to podcasts and also a link to join our facebook community where we will post information about how to get involved right away with some call-in opportunities in the next week or two. Please reach out with show ideas! 😀
A two minute trailer is posted with more information about what you can expect to hear.
Have a great school year!

Carrie G. Seiden, M.L.S
Certified Teacher-Librarian & Gifted Education Specialist
Totoket Valley Elementary School
1388 Middletown Avenue
Northford, CT 06472
phone 203 484-1455 fax 203 484-6090
Quality school library programs ensure that all students learn essential 21st-Century skills
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero