Hello all,
We have a growing population of ELL students at my school and are in the process of hiring a full time teacher to help them out. My principal is looking to purchase a set of books that will interest high school students yet be easy enough for them to understand. She initially sent me this list:
Hi-Lo Picks for Adult Readers by SFPL_LauraL2 - a staff-created list : A hi-lo book is a title that is interesting to an adult or teen reader at a comparatively low reading level with simple vocabulary and syntax, short chapters, a slim page count, and gripping
storylines. Hi-lo books are used to help struggling and/or reluctant readers strengthen decoding and comprehension skills, build confidence, and spark a love of reading. Hi-lo materials can be specifically designed and published as hi-lo or materials that
fit into the high interest, low reading level criteria.
If anyone has a list they could share with me, I would very much appreciate it.
Thank you,
Amy Reilly