Are you a new librarian in need of support and advice? 

Are you a librarian who switched to a new grade level? 

Are you a seasoned librarian willing to share your expertise? 


Mentoring Matters is for you! 


For one year, Mentors will agree to: 

● Meet in person, by zoom, by phone, or by e-mail on a regular basis. 

● Encourage the Mentee to advance and excel in his/her career goals. 

● Teach, listen, and advise. 

● Develop a mutually trusting and caring relationship with the Mentee. 


For one year, Mentees will agree to: 

● Commit to the mentoring relationship. 

● Meet in person, by zoom, by phone, or by e-mail on a regular basis. 

● Set goals and work with his/her Mentor to achieve those goals. 

● Learn, listen, and ask for advice. 

Both Mentors & Mentees will have access to a private Facebook Group! 


Log in to the Members Only section at to sign up! 


If you are having trouble finding where to sign up, watch this video!