Hi y’all,Holiday greeting from Houston to all my former CT colleagues!An elementary idea for visual booklists is this…I made posters also in Canva and then print for parent handouts but also print on a poster maker. The posters are placed on the ends of bookcases and in our large windows. I’ve taught call number for years to k-1 students but nothing has worked better than these posters. The kids have a real need to understand and use the call number when they want to find the specific books. It’s super fun to see parents and kids looking at the posters from outside since I double side the posters so you can read them from inside or outside. Our windows are along a well walked sidewalk.I can share any of the actual pdf’s or template I’d anyone wants it.Happy holidays,Jane--On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 8:33 AM Lizanne Johnson <ljohnson1@groton.k12.ct.us> wrote:My pleasure! My turn to give back some of the library joy.
We can't get enough of it! It has saved so much time. I just got this Notebook style display rack for the high school and it's so much easier creating the pages for it. We can't wait to get it out into the library. The regular notebook we use at the middle school gets a lot of use. We're updating the pages now using these templates.
From: Melissa Thom <melissa_thom@whps.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 9:11 AM
To: Lizanne Johnson <ljohnson1@groton.k12.ct.us>
Cc: casl-l@mylist.net <casl-l@mylist.net>
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Visual Booklists_______________________________________________This is an AMAZING resource!!
Thank you for passing it along:)
Melissa Thom@MsThomBookitisBristow Middle School Teacher LibrarianWest Hartford Public SchoolsBristow Library Learning Commons Webpage: http://bit.ly/BristowLibraryFollow us on Twitter: @bristowllcFollow me on Goodreads
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On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 9:06 AM Lizanne Johnson <ljohnson1@groton.k12.ct.us> wrote:
_______________________________________________We just started using these Canva templates from Melissa Corey, a librarian in Missouri, and they look gorgeous! If you use any NF titles, I suggest including the spine label info. On the books that the author was not visible, we included it there too, much easier to find the books on the shelf.
Enjoy your break!Lizanne
Lizanne Johnson
Library Media SpecialistGroton Middle & Fitch High School Libraries"Reading makes all other learning possible. We have to get books into our children's hands early and often."Former president Barack Obama
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_______________________________________________Jane E. MartellinoTwitter: @janemartellinoCreator of Charter Oak Children's Book Award: www.cocba.org
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