Our school looked into this when we went 1:1 post COVID.  They wanted to input all of the chromebooks.  Ultimately they decided NOT to go with Destiny as it was too expensive.  They ended up using another product.  I can ask if you are interested?

I would highly recommend, if you do go with this idea of cataloging EVERYTHING - that department heads are given scanners so that you don't have to handle inventory for the entire school.

Jen L.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 10:37 AM Eric Nunes <eric.nunes@rhamschools.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,

We are looking into Destiny Resource Manager for our middle school and high school to manage items such as textbooks, calculators, possibly musical instruments, and more. My superintendent wanted to gather feedback, before purchasing and rolling out the application, about how other libraries use it and how do they manage the time requirement needed of teachers? He is nervous that teachers may be apposed to it because of extra work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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