You are invited to the following event:
April TUG: Technology User's Group: Creativity with Canva
When: April 03, 2023 5:30 PM, EDT
Where: Online Google Meet
Will you be attending?

Join us on April 3 for inspiring ideas and a bit of a tutorial for Canva!
Announcing a new group for educators
to support their technology needs!
The Connecticut Educator’s Computer Association (CECA) has announced that the organization has moved into the role of tech subcommittee within Connecticut Association of School Librarians (CASL). CECA members will continue to oversee, organize, and facilitate the continuation of several prestigious annual awards and scholarships for educators within the state who are integrating technology into their teaching.
This subcommittee (Technology Users Group) will begin offering regular office hours for any CT educator looking for tech advice, inspiration, or collaborations, on the first Monday of each month from 5:30-6:30 pm.
This move comes after a long history of collaborative work between the two organizations, including the co-planning of numerous conferences with a focus on computer science and technology integration throughout curricula. “We are excited to join together as one impactful organization on a mission to transform teaching and learning through cutting edge educational technology, professional development and support." (TUG Members)
Furthermore, as a result of this move, CASL applied for and was accepted as an affiliate of The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), an education nonprofit that supports the use of technology to accelerate innovation in education.
To take part in the Monday night tech office hours simply RSVP to this announcement!
To join CASL and receive full membership benefits including access to award and scholarship applications visit:
For information please email Barbara Johnson at