Good Morning,I wanted to share this article with everyone that was shared with me--thanks Dave St. Germain!!It is a great model for anyone (all of us) who is working to get support from admin and spreading the word about the importance of freedom to read!!MelissaMelissa Thom@MsThomBookitisBristow Middle School Teacher LibrarianWest Hartford Public SchoolsBristow Library Learning Commons Webpage: us on Twitter: @bristowllcFollow me on GoodreadsÂJoin the ACL and receive free audiobooks each month! Use my referral code: lfm82519Currently Reading:  ÂNothing is Little by Carmella Van VleetMoonflower by Kacen CallenderTextured Teaching: A Framework for Culturally Sustaining Practices by Lorena Ecsoto German **ProfessionalCurrently Listening:Suggested Reading by Dave Connis (Hoopla)We Are Not Free by Traci Chee (Hoopla)Recently Finished:   ÂThe Personal Librarian by Marie BenedictMap of Flames (The Forgotten Five #1) by Lisa McMannControlled Burn by Erin Soderberg DowningWhen Winter Robeson Came by Brenda WoodsHope to Read Next:Send me your recommendations!Check out my blog all about books and reading! Â                     Â
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