I don't have Makey Makey, but my Google Drive is filled with fun ideas.

This book by Colleen Graves seems to have amazing lessons https://www.amazon.com/20-Makey-Projects-Evil-Genius/dp/1259860469

Here's one I got from a conference https://drive.google.com/file/d/17BgcqPRv1UzqLsQoG5UaTsPhWk4wmdqS/view?usp=sharing

Shannon McNeice

Library Media Specialist

Sedgwick Middle School

West Hartford, CT 06107

860-570-6500 x2440

Sedgwick Middle School Library




On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 10:49 AM Laura Hedenberg <lhedenberg@barkhamstedschool.org> wrote:
HI.  I ordered the makey makey kits from the CT Library and was wondering if anyone had lesson plans they could share.  I haven't used them before....


Laura Hedenberg
Library Media Specialist
Barkhamsted School
"By not running from the books that pain us, we can allow them to transform us."  Dr.  Ibram X. Kendi

Currently Reading
The Real Deal
Ellen Outside the Lines

Just finished
New From Here
Invisible Spy
You Go First

To Be Read (TBR)
Nowhere But Here
Best Liars in Riverview
The Last Beekeeper


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