I am currently in the ARCLMS program, and we just had our "design and deliver PD" session last weekend. I chose some potential productive uses of the  ChatGPT AI chatbot as my topic, and I figured I'd share my research and materials here in case anybody can get something out of it. In the infographic I created (linked below), I acknowledge the potential student use for cheating and plagiarizing. In fact, I also fully acknowledge that I myself am still not completely morally comfortable with using it even for positive uses, since technically what the AI is doing is pulling from existing writing to create something "new." Nonetheless, I figure it could be useful to some of you. (I am currently a 7th grade Social Studies teacher at Bethel Middle School, so thankfully with younger students I have yet to run into any issues with them trying to use ChatGPT to cheat, and I'm not about to clue them in!)
My work: ChatGPT: (Some) Uses in Education