On April 27, 2023 at 2:03 PM Laura Hedenberg <lhedenberg@barkhamstedschool.org> wrote:
Here is the crosswalk that I made that is based on our district's Portrait of a Successful Student.
On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 9:53 AM Lizanne Johnson <ljohnson1@groton.k12.ct.us> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hello fellow librarians and the best hive minds,
My district is working on our own teacher evaluation plan. There was a crosswalk for the old AASL standards with ISTE and CCSS. Does anyone know of a crosswalk using the new standards? I would love to be able to access one.
Lizanne Johnson
Library Media SpecialistGroton Middle (Tue/Wed) & Fitch High (Thur/Fri) School Libraries (alternate Mondays)"Reading makes all other learning possible. We have to get books into our children's hands early and often."Former president Barack Obama
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_______________________________________________Laura HedenbergLibrary Media SpecialistBarkhamsted School"By not running from the books that pain us, we can allow them to transform us." Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
Currently ReadingThe Real DealOdderEllen Outside the Lines
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To Be Read (TBR)Nowhere But HereBest Liars in RiverviewThe Last Beekeeper
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