Go New Jersey!!  I'd love to know if you find something equivalent for Connecticut.


On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 3:58 PM Elaine Shapiro <elaine.shapiro7@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
We LMSs in East Windsor are recommending changes to our BOE collection and challenged book policies, and have a couple questions.
1.  What is your district's time line for gathering copies of a book being challenged, and having a reconsideration committee read the book?  We suggested 4 weeks, because we felt it would take time to gather copies from other libraries, particularly if the book is in high demand. But we wonder if 6 weeks is better.
2.  In this document, posted by Martha Hickson,  https://drive.google.com/file/d/12KL1PsNJmAStpq7FuM2LpdE-eUS6SNBg/view?pli=1
there is a wonderful list of NJ state instructional regulations, that book challengers need to explain why the questioned book does not meet.
I'd like to find such a list for CT.  Has anyone done this?
Thank you for your thoughts,
Elaine Shapiro, East Windsor Public Schools
CASL-L mailing list

Teri Padua, MLS, M.Ed.
Media Director
Northwestern Regional High School
Northwestern Regional Middle School
100 Battistoni Dr.
Winsted, CT  06098
860-379-8525 x2601
Northwestern Teachers Association President