Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference 2023
The keynote presented by UConn's NEAG School of Education at their recent tech conference Teaching and Learning with iPads, Chromebooks, AI, and Cloud-Based Computing was excellent. The video recording was shared with attendees. I might contact Del Siegle to request access to that presentation—I think it's something that every educator should watch!Âdel.siegle@uconn.edu
And a helpful 15 video from Khan Academy:CarrieOn Wed, May 17, 2023 at 10:52 AM Juliet Goraieb <jgoraieb@milforded.org> wrote:I am preparing a presentation about this for MS and HS staff. I would love to discussÂ_______________________________________________On Wed, May 17, 2023, 10:46 AM Geri Dineen <gdineen@colchesterct.org> wrote:Is anyone having discussions regarding the impact of ChatGPT or other AI tools on student work? Would love to hear what you're experiencing, and if (how) schools are addressing this.Thank you!Geri Dineen--she/herLibrary Media & Instructional Technology SpecialistVHS Site CoordinatorSAT CoordinatorBacon Academy611 Norwich AvenueColchester CT 06415We Create Innovative Thinkers for a Dynamic World
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