Dear CT Librarians,

We are experiencing budget cuts in Wallingford. A proposal has been made by our central office team to eliminate half of the school librarians at the elementary school level and split the positions between two schools. We are seeking information from other districts in our DRG. If you work in one of the following districts, or have definitive information, can you please email me to let me know if you have a full time school librarian in each school in your district? If not, what is the set-up? Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you can provide. 

We are seeking information from the following districts: 

Branford - 

Clinton - 

Cromwell - 

East Granby - 

East Hampton - 

East Lyme - 

Ledyard - 

Newington - 

Old Saybrook - 

Waterford - 

Wethersfield -

Windsor - 


Anne Porier
School Librarian
Moses Y. Beach Elementary School
Wallingford CT