Ready to go and it's all free

Are you tasked with teaching copyright to K-12 students or teachers?

Do you lack resources or need to fill in gaps in your own knowledge so you’re more comfortable instructing your students?

Our education experts will show you how our plug-n-play materials do the heavy lifting to make it easy to teach the basics of copyright and fair use.


Join our C&C Ambassadors (fellow teachers!) as they share their experiences teaching with our positive FREE resources.  

C&C educators welcome you back to the 2023-2024 school year. Learn how to teach your students the essentials of


fair use,

Creative Commons,

public domain

and more

with C&C's award-winning, FREE K-12 curriculum.

Webinar registrants will be notified when the recording is posted.

Free Infographic Posters

We'll also send you a FREE set of our 11x17 infographic posters for your libraries or classrooms. Just register on our website (no password required), and use our Poster Request Form to let us know how many posters and where to ship them.

** High resolution print files are FREE on our website.

FREE K-12 resources for teaching kids about copyright, fair use, and more.

All of our materials are free to use and carry a Creative Commons license. Available at our website: www.copyrightandcreativity.org

  • Lesson plans
  • Slides (video is embedded)
  • Videos
  • Visual aids
  • Independent Learning Videos

Students today are creators and publishers — so copyright is now an essential element of digital literacy. But copyright can be a technical and confusing subject to teach. That’s where C&C comes in.

FREE lesson plans, videos, slides, visual aids, and a professional development course for teachers can all be found at


C&C’s resources are practical, positive, and balanced. Rather than just emphasizing what copyright prohibits, C&C focuses on how students can successfully navigate copyright in their own roles as creators. Topics covered include:

  • The basics of what copyright protects and why
  • How copyright applies to students’ own creations
  • How to access and share creative work legally and ethically
  • How students can re-use others’ creative works in their own creations—fair use, Creative Commons, and the public domain


C&C has regular office hours where we introduce our resources and answer any curriculum questions. See here for Zoom info.

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CASL President

FB: @mrslussierslibrary, Twitter: @jluss, Instagram: mrslussierlibrary


Jenny Lussier

Library Media Specialist

Brewster Elementary School


Visit us at: http://brewster.rsd13ct.org

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