If you’ve been wanting to attend this year’s CLA Library Leadership Institute next Friday, now is your chance to register!


Join the CLA Career Development Committee and your colleagues for a full day of inspiration and information presented by talented speakers, leaders and managers.


If you’re a library leader at any level, or aspire to lead, you’ll want to attend this event!

(Remember you don’t need “leader” in your title to be a leader!)


The program features:


See the full program here.


DATE:  Friday, August 11

TIME:  9:30 am to 4:00 pm

LOCATION:  Middlesex Community College, Chapman Hall, 100 Training Hill Rd, Middletown

REGISTRATION FEE:  $65 for CLA members / $75 for non-members (includes lunch from The Cooking Company and afternoon cookie break)


Register at https://ctlibraryassociation.org/meetinginfo.php?id=534&ts=1690567688


Thank you to our 2023 Library Leadership Institute Sponsors:

Danosky & Associates


The Aegis Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management


Looking forward to seeing you there!




Amanda Stern (she/her)


Events and Special Projects Manager

Connecticut Library Consortium

p:  860.740.3044 - direct dial

p:  860.344.8777 - office

a:  234 Court Street, Middletown, CT 06457

w: ctlibrarians.org  e:  astern@ctlibrarians.org




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