It is on the Nutmeg list for middle grades, which for the purpose of the Nutmeg is grades 7-8 if that helps! It has been a while since I read it, but perhaps sticking to those grade levels would help-




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From: Cathy Andronik via CASL-L
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 5:26 PM
To: Janine Johnson
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Fighting Words


Because of the way Della keeps telling the reader that she’s not ready to share what happened until she IS, I think 2nd semester 6th grade could handle it. But you know your kids 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 22, 2023, at 4:00 PM, Janine Johnson <> wrote:

Hi all. Hope your summer's been grand! 


I finally read Kim Brubaker Bradley's title, "Fighting Words," a 2024 MS Nutmeg nominee, thinking it might be a book club title. The content is essential.. but heavy. Though the author references her own experience and wanting to write something for 10-year-olds, I'm thinking nothing under 8th grade. If familiar, please share your thoughts.


Thank you!


Janine Johnson

Library Media Specialist, Scotts Ridge Middle School

Address: 750 North Salem Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877 



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