Our third Library 2.023 mini-conference: "EDI 2.0: Individual Responsibility for Creating Belonging and Connection in the Library Profession," will be held
online (and for free) on Thursday, November 9th, 2023, from 12:00 - 3:00 pm US-Pacific Time.
In our fall Library 2.023 mini-conference we explore the evolution of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) efforts within the library profession, focusing on how libraries can help to create belongingness and meaningful connection
and what individuals, specifically, can do to help make change.
EDI principles and their practical implementation have a profound impact on the cultural fabric of libraries and the relationships we have with users and staff. This event will showcase strategies that libraries employ to cultivate
and integrate into their services a profound sense of belongingness, as well as the ways that library leadership is crucial in fostering an environment of inclusion and meaningful connection.
We will also look at the integration of EDI standards into the core of library services, enhancing inclusivity within the Library and Information Science (LIS) community, and discuss the growing integration of EDI into accreditation
standards and professional competencies and the broader implications this holds for the future of the library profession.
Our special conference chair is Julius C. Jefferson, Current Chair of the International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA), North
American Regional Division, and Past President of the American Library Association (ALA).
We look forward to gathering online with you for this event!
This is a free event, being held live online and also recorded.
to attend live and/or to receive the recording links afterward.
Please also join the
Library 2.0 community to be kept updated on this and future events.
Everyone is invited to participate in our Library 2.0 conference events, which are designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide. Each three-hour event consists of a keynote
panel, 10-15 crowd-sourced thirty-minute presentations, and a closing keynote.
Participants are encouraged to use #library2023 and #edi20 on
their social media posts about the event.
C. Jefferson, Jr.
Julius C. Jefferson, Jr., is the Section Head of the Research and Library Services Section in the Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division at Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress. In this role, Jefferson
leads research librarians who provide public policy research assistance exclusively to Members of Congress, Congressional Committees and Staffers. He also formerly served as the Acting Chief of Research & Reference Services at the Library of Congress.
Jefferson is currently the 2021-2023 Chair of the International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA), North American Regional Division. Prior to that, he served as the 2020-2021 President of the American
Library Association (ALA) having previously been on a number of critical ALA committees, including the Finance and Audit Committee, the Budget Analysis and Review Committee and the Intellectual Freedom Committee, serving as the 2010-11 Chair.
In addition to his service to the American Library Association, Jefferson has held a seat on the Board of the Freedom to Read Foundation (2012-16) serving as the 2013-16 president; served as president of the District of Columbia
Library Association (DCLA); and served on the board of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA).
An often called upon authority/speaker on issues of importance to library workers, Jefferson has appeared on a number of media outlets, including National Public Radio. He is co- editor of The 21st-Century Black Librarian in
America: Issues and Challenges and is often sought as a speaker on library-related issues such as diversity, leadership and professional development.
This is a free event, being held live online and also recorded.
to attend live and/or to receive the recording links afterward.
Please also join the Library 2.0 community to be kept updated on this and future events.
The School of Information at San José State University is the founding conference sponsor. Please register as a member of the Library
2.0 network to be kept informed of future events. Recordings from previous years are available under the Archives tab at Library 2.0 and at the Library 2.0 YouTube channel.
