Wondering...Suffield School District is looking to visit a Learning Commons Designed Library for all levels. Can anyone share and may I follow up directly?
Thank you! 

On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 2:22 PM Catherine Ryan <cryan@suffield.org> wrote:
Great responses from our group regarding library renovations. Wondering...Suffield School District is looking to visit a Learning Commons Designed Library for all levels. Can anyone share and may I follow up directly?
Thank you! 

On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 10:08 PM CASL President <president@ctcasl.org> wrote:
Hello everyone - please excuse any duplicate posts.

Let's Celebrate our Spaces!

There's been a lot of questions about renovations in libraries & furniture on the CASL list-serv. We know CASL has amazing librarians and we'd like to invite you to celebrate and share your space by taking our CASL community on a quick tour! We know it is difficult to travel to other schools, so this can be a quick way to share. We are always on the lookout for amazing ideas, tips and tricks and who better to ask? Don't forget to share which grade levels you work with!

Here is the Flip link.

We are excited to continue to support librarians and educators throughout Connecticut and beyond!

If you aren’t a member of CASL yet, click here to join now!


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