Please see the email below from Alessandra Casiello seeking co-chairs for the Middle School and High School 2026 Nutmeg committees. (An Elementary co-chair has been found!) These committees each have a volunteer to chair already, but both people are seeking someone to co-chair with. 

Thank you for your consideration!

Anne Porier
School Librarian
Moses Y. Beach Elementary School
Wallingford CT

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alessandra Casiello <>
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 11:25 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [goodnightmoon] Nutmeg 2026 Co-Chairs needed
To: <>, <>

Hello all,

We are preparing to select our 2026 Nutmeg committees (if interested in being on a committee submit an application here) and we are in need of co-chairs for the following committees:
Elementary (grades 2-3)
Middle School (grades 7-8)
High School (grades 9-12)

If you have served on a Nutmeg committee in the past or served as a Committee Chair and are interested in filling one of these roles, please email me at to have a discussion.


Alessandra Casiello
Nutmeg Book Award, Secretary
goodnightmoon mailing list