Congress gave a platform to pro-censorship voices TODAY No images? Click here Hello Jenny! The House held a pro-censorship hearing today, including a witness who argued that "books aren't being banned." Don't let the book ban deniers win. Tell Congress to support librarians and educators by opposing book bans and share with your community to bring new people into our pro-freedom to read movement: Book ban denialism is dangerous, and it's dead wrong. In our preliminary data on 2023 book challenges, we found some troubling results:
So, in the face of continually rising challenges, how do we resist? We fight back by growing our movement and showing that the vast majority of Americans stand for the freedom to read diverse and challenging books. Help grow our movement by clicking below, writing to Congress, and sharing with your community: ALA Public Policy & Advocacy Team P.S. Follow @LibraryPolicy and @UABookBans for further updates. If you haven't yet, please click here to join the UABB campaign. Together, we can push back against unpopular, unconstitutional censorship. |
Jenny Lussier
Library Media Specialist
Brewster and John Lyman Elementary Schools
Visit us at: Brewster website and John Lyman website