Hello CT Librarian Colleagues/Friends,

At this poster session, I discovered my first "gem" of the AASL Tampa Conference! I have a Kwame Alexander large print book coming soon to my library. I can't wait to share it with students. I see so many positive possibilities with large print books in my library.  To see the data from the poster session and view Thorndike Press' catalog, click   Explore Youth Large Print 2023 - 2024 (If you didn't attend AASL Tampa, I'm not sure if you'll get the 30% discount on select titles if you order by 1/31, but you can try. See forwarded email for more details from Thorndike Press.)

Happy reading,
Vice President, CASL

Valerie DiLorenzo P '15, '18

Library/ Library Media Specialist

New Faculty Coordinator

vdilorenzo@rumseyhall.org  |  860-868-0535 ext 122

Twitter/X: @valdilorenzo | Podcast: The Meanderings of a Librarian

Rumsey Hall School

A Tradition of Effort, Family, and Community

Rumsey Hall School Facebook Page Rumsey Hall School Instagram Rumsey Hall School Vimeo

Currently Reading: 
A Rover's Story by Jasmine Warga (rereading for GRA '23)
Hear Me by Kerry O'Malley Cerra

Listening to:
Pimsleur's Italian 2

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: McAlpine, Sabine <Sabine.McAlpine@cengage.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 7:21 AM
Subject: Transform Your Library with Large Print Books – Exclusive Offer Inside! - AASL Poster Session
To: vdilorenzo@rumseyhall.org <vdilorenzo@rumseyhall.org>

Good Morning,


We had the pleasure of meeting you at the AASL poster session on youth large print, where Tasha Squire from O'Neill Middle School in IL shared her inspiring success story of how large print books have played a pivotal role in creating a culture of reading at her middle school. We were truly inspired by her journey and the positive impact that large print books have had on her students.  


It was impressive to hear her share that large print circulated better than graphic novels!!!


(below is Tasha’s poster from the session)

A blue and orange pie chart

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We understand the critical role you play in fostering a love for reading among your students, and we want to support you in your mission. That's why we're excited to introduce you to the world of large print books, a resource that has already proven its worth in enhancing accessibility and engagement in the classroom and beyond.


To get you started, we're thrilled to offer you a special discount on our large print book collections (30% on select titles through 1/31). Additionally, we provide free shipping and library processing to make it as convenient as possible for you to add these valuable resources to your collection.   Simply reach back out to me for a quote or more information.


Also, all large print books are readily available through Follett and Mackin.  The purchasing is up to you, what is important to us it that we are making the integration into your library seamless.







A close-up of a brochure

Description automatically generatedNow, you might be wondering why it's so crucial to act now. The answer is simple: every day counts when it comes to improving accessibility to reading for your students. Large print books have already demonstrated their potential to boost comprehension, reading proficiency, and overall confidence among young readers. Don't wait to witness these remarkable changes in your own students – start building a more inclusive and reader-friendly environment today.


Lastly, we have some exciting news to share. In February, we will be expanding our large print collection to include Spanish titles, allowing you to cater to a wider range of students and diversify your offerings.  (click here to learn more)


Learn more from Tasha about how to launch large print at your school and in your library >> HERE










Thank you for your dedication to fostering a culture of reading in your school. We are here to support your mission and look forward to helping you provide even more opportunities for your students to engage with the world of literature.


Have a wonderful day!




Sabine McAlpine
Director, Thorndike Press

PHONE: 800.223.1244 x 27533|  CELL: 207.240.5614

EMAIL: sabine.mcalpine@cengage.com
WEB: www.gale.com/thorndike (adult) www.gale.com/thorndike-ylp (youth)

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