Dear CT Librarians,

Please read the following message from Nutmeg Steering Committee Secretary Alessandra Casiello regarding the Nutmeg applications and newsletter:


This is a reminder that Nutmeg Book Award Committee Applications are due November 15th. You can access them through our website here:

Also, I have gotten a lot of emails from people saying they have joined our newsletter and never received the application announcement. I want to remind people that if you are using your work email, security restrictions may be blocking this communication. The email the newsletter is connected to at this time is this one: Please make sure this email is whitelisted if you want to receive the nutmeg newsletter or want to receive communications from me to your questions.

Always remember that you can check our website for announcements as well. We even keep a copy of our latest newsletter mailings there to access:

Haven't joined our newsletter? You can do that here:

For those that have emailed me and not gotten a response back, it is because I keep getting bouncebacks from your organization. I have also tried sending from my work email and have continued to get bouncebacks. Sometimes our security settings in our emails are so strict, even people you are trying to communicate with, can't communicate with you. Just know I am not ignoring you!

Hope this information is helpful!


Alessandra Casiello
Nutmeg Book Award Secretary
goodnightmoon mailing list

Thank you!

Anne Porier
School Librarian
Moses Y. Beach Elementary School
Wallingford CT