I did the same. Most of my books were discarded due to age but the ones I kept are integrated into the Dewey section they belong in.





Kristen Finnegan

Library Media Specialist

Ross/Woodward School

185 Barnes Avenue

New Haven, CT 06519




From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Elaine Lettiere
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 10:04 AM
To: Barbara Johnson <bajohnson@colchesterct.org>
Cc: Christine Smey Zeiser <christine.smey@gmail.com>; CASL Listserv <casl-l@mylist.net>
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] Elementary Reference Sections




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I dismantled mine as well.  I put any of the books that were there and in good condition into the general circulation.  They are getting a lot more views now than when they were in reference. 


On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 10:06 AM Barbara Johnson <bajohnson@colchesterct.org> wrote:

We dismantled the section and rely on our databases 



On Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 9:02 AM Christine Smey Zeiser <christine.smey@gmail.com> wrote:

I would love to hear about the reference section in your library! What does your elementary reference section look like? Do you have one at all? Just dictionaries and thesaurus? Special subject books for teacher use? Mine is a mess and I’m trying to decide what to do with it!


Thanks everyone!

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Elaine Lettiere


School Librarian

Preston Veterans Memorial School

Preston Plains Middle School

Preston, CT


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