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From: CSTA <membership@csteachers.org>
Date: Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 8:02 AM
Subject: CSTA Partner Message: Inspire students to design and build apps with Swift Playgrounds.
To: <bajohnson@colchesterct.org>

Celebrate CSEdWeek with Everyone Can Code Projects.

This Computer Science Education Week (December 4–10), it’s easier than ever to teach and learn app design and development with Apple’s free Everyone Can Code Projects. Using Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac, educators help students develop skills and bring their ideas to life by
creating apps that solve problems they care about. Projects can be integrated into any subject, and they’re perfect for coding club activities, too.

See the projects in the Apple Education Community


Announcing the
Swift Student Challenge 2024

Apple’s Swift Student Challenge has given thousands of students around the world the opportunity to showcase their creativity and build real-world skills to take into their careers and beyond.

Help students get ready with new resources for teaching
and learning app development with Swift.

Applications will open in February 2024.

Learn more

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Barbara Johnson
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Colchester Public Schools

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