The registration link in not click-able.  Here it is for your convenience.

Leading by Reading

Kim Rogers

Librarian Lead

New Haven Public Schools

21 Wooster Place

New Haven, CT 06511-6932

475 220-1213 desk

203 710-6877 cell

From: CASL-L <> on behalf of Jenny Lussier <>
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2023 7:54 AM
To: casl list serv <>
Subject: [CASL-L] Fwd: World Read Aloud Day


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World Read Aloud Day is coming! This is a great event with some terrific authors!

CASL President

FB: @mrslussierslibrary, Twitter: @jluss, Instagram: mrslussierlibrary


Jenny Lussier

Library Media Specialist

Brewster and John Lyman Elementary Schools

Visit us at: Brewster website and John Lyman website

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