I need the picture taken so I can boast on social media!
Hooray for ALL of us!!!

Leading by Reading

Kim Rogers

Librarian Lead

New Haven Public Schools

21 Wooster Place

New Haven, CT 06511-6932

475 220-1213 desk

203 710-6877 cell

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net> on behalf of CASL Vice President <vicepresident@ctcasl.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 8:30 PM
To: casl listserve <CASL-L@mylist.net>
Subject: [CASL-L] Good News: 12/5 Listening Session at the Legislative Office Building


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Good evening!

Shout out to CT librarians who attended and/or spoke at yesterday's Listening Session at the Legislative Office Building. Our eloquent Barbara Johnson represented us school librarians extremely well. We’re excited to continue this collaboration among CLC, CLA, CASL, and all CT library workers. Watch the recording HERE.

(Note: Though I was not able to attend in person, I've been watching the recording yesterday and today. If you need a pick-me-up for our profession and our state, spend some time watching the recording!)

~Val DiLorenzo
Vice President
CT Association of School Librarians

Connecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013