
I am having the same issue here and have been having the students access with the username and password but it is cumbersome and an extra step. I sent an email 3-4 weeks ago to the state library site and haven't heard back.  

username : ctlibresearch
password: Spring20!

Would love to know if it's an issue on their end or our IP address too. 

Kristen Shanley 
Dodd Library Media Specialist

What I'm Reading Now: 
Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl
You The Story by Ruta Septys
The Flip Side: Break Free of the Behaviors that Hold you Back by Flip Flippen 

Listening to: 
Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng

Recently Finished:

The A & A Detective Agency: The Fairfleet Affair by K.H. Saxton (former Dodd student) 
All that is Sacred by Donna Norman-Carbone (CHS teacher) 
All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham
Hello, Transcriber by Hannah Morrissey
Raise the Bar by Ben Alldis 

Hope to Read Next: 
Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez 
The Land of Forgotten Girls by Erin Entrada Kelly 

Recent Favorites 
 The Prettiest by Brigit Young 


On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 9:33 AM Alexandra Grundt <> wrote:
Hi All,

I think someone else posted about this a while back, but I can't find it. If students are using this in school, they shouldn't need to log in or enter a library card number, right? I'm not sure if it's an issue on their end, or an IP address issue on ours. Has this happened to anyone else?

Thank you! 
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