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From: Ellen Paul, Connecticut Library Consortium <epaul@ctlibrarians.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Librarians at the Capitol with Lt. Governor Bysiewicz!
To: <bajohnson@colchesterct.org>

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Library Listening Session

with Lt. Governor Bysiewicz

a Huge Success!

Dear CLC Members,

I am so pleased to report that the Library Listening Session with Lt. Governor Bysiewicz and Representative Palm was an enormous success. Over 65 school, academic and public librarians came out to the Capitol to tell the legislature about the issues facing libraries and library workers.  

This was an unprecedented opportunity for Connecticut libraries. Rather than us pleading with legislators to listen, the legislators invited US to come and speak. 

CLA President Sarah McCusker, Old Lyme Library Director Katie Huffman, CLA Intellectual Freedom Committee Chair Sam Lee, and Past President of the CT Association of School Librarians Barbara Johnson spoke about the many attempts at book banning across the state and the need for more school librarians.

LION eBook Committee Chair Rebecca Harlow, CLA Legislative Co-Chair Kate Byroade, New Haven school librarian Alicia Cook, and eBook Study Group founder Kyle Courtney spoke about the difficulties libraries face when building and maintaining eBook collections.

All of our collective action resulted in eight pieces of earned media. From an editorial from the Hearst Media Group, to a spot on the CT Capitol Report (start at 16:35), to a feature in the Sunday Hartford Courant, we were everywhere this past week.

So, what happens from here?

Now that the listening session is done, we'll be getting to work drafting legislation for the 2024 legislative session. We now know that our eBook bill will be reintroduced in the Planning and Development Committee. What we don't know is what type of legislation we'll see around intellectual freedom. We've put forth a number of proposals for discussion, and we'll likely be making decisions in the coming weeks.

The new legislative session in Hartford starts on February 4 and runs until May 4. This being the short session, we don't have a lot of time. We'll need your help. Libraries are likely going to be more visible in Hartford over these few months than they've ever been before.

As we get closer to February, watch your email for ways you can get involved. Ways you can stand up for libraries. Ways you can be part of positive change. We need you with us because, as always, we're stronger together.

Ellen Paul

Executive Director

Connecticut Library Consortium

Watch the entire Listening Session here.

Questions? Contact:

Ellen Paul, Executive Director: epaul@ctlibrarians.org

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