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From: Computer Science Teachers Association <membership@csteachers.org>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 7:02 AM
Subject: Quality PD Opportunities Reviewed by CSTA
To: Barbara Johnson <bajohnson@colchesterct.org>



Hello Barbara,
We know PD is incredibly important to your growth as a CS teacher or advocate; thus, CSTA is always working to cultivate resources to support our members. 
An independent committee of experts evaluates and selects among submitted opportunities. Use the filters and search bar on this page to discover quality professional development (PD) opportunities and associated curricula for K-12 CS teachers. Click a card to view more details. 
Here's an example of a viewed PD opportunity card, with a summary of what is provided, if the PD is free, has a cost, and directly links to the resource. 
Jen Manly
CSTA Membership Experience Manager 
Computer Science Teachers Association 

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Barbara Johnson
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Colchester Public Schools

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