Happy Vacation!

Jenny, our CASL President, asked if I was able to download the video to share with those who wanted it and aren't on FB. 

Click this LINK to access the video tutorial for making book ornaments. (Lower left corner of presentation, click right arrow to get to tutorial). The Google Doc with Canva Notes Links and Ordering Details is HERE

Jenny's request reminded me that CASL would LOVE to have any of YOU share your LIBRARY programs/talents/passions/ideas with the rest of the CASL community! Shannon McNeice is doing a phenomenal job chairing the Technology Users Group (TUG) with all educators. We also have PD specifically for librarians. If you'd like to present virtually, let us know! Presenting is a great opportunity for you to extend your PLC, learn some new skills, and so much more. Add it to your end of year evaluation! Share your talents with others. Step out of or into your comfort zone. Email Jenny or me if you'd like to share a PD for librarians.

~Val DiLorenzo
Vice President
CT Association of School Librarians

Connecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013